The Tokyo Marathon

I will admit it. Marathons make me misty! Every. Single. Time. And, witnessing James tackle Tokyo was absolutely no different!

There is nothing like watching people lace up their sneakers, lube up their nips, pin on their numbers and take to the streets of a city to conquer a 26.2-mile (42.2-km) course. Whatever the motivation, whether it’s charity or hubris, to win or just finish, it is a feat that warrants awe.

For months, James had trained leaving before I woke to pile on the miles before working a long day in both sickness and in health. Stress fractures and swine flu (PSA: get your flu shot) tried but failed to derail his determination. And on race day, he rocked it.

We ran the New York City Marathon together in 2007 shortly after getting married. Despite newlywed bliss, I was a one and done, but James has longed to repeat the effort. Nearly two decades later, on an unseasonably warm March morning in Tokyo, he did it again as his kids cheered him on! It was awesome!

And now, he’s ready to do it again! I suggest Rome!


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