Monday Manic to Magic

Like most families with school aged kids, our household has historically been manic on Mondays. The general buzz is borderline contentious as everyone, still bleary eyed from the weekend’s shenanigans, is angling to get what they need in order to start the week without much concern for volume or manners. Also historically, Fern, our gorgeous albeit incredibly anxious mutt baby, hides under a bed until the kids have scrambled out the door and some semblance of calm has been restored—this, I’m afraid, is not unique to Mondays.

So last Spring, James and I decided it was time to reign in Manic Mondays while helping to achieve greater flexibilty of mind and body. A lofty goal, indeed. We hired one of my best buddies, Lindsey, who also happens to be THE best yoga instructor on the planet (not hyperbole, check out Setagaya Yoga) to help us achieve this. And the truth is, it has benefited us in SO many ways—James can now touch his toes! But, an absolutely unintended glorious by-product of our weekly Monday yoga sessions is that Fern has found her best friend!

Every Monday, just a couple seconds before Lindsey texts that she has arrived, Fern darts from under the bed instinctively and starts crying. And when the door buzzes, so does she. She looses control, zooming around the apartment, crying and barking in excitement that Lindsey has finally entered the building. And when the door opens? Forget about it, Lindsey is greeted with unadulterated affection and energy and dog kisses galore.

It is a testament to Lindsey’s good nature, enormous heart and silly sensibilities that our slightly diagnosable pup feels so happy and at ease upon her arrival. Every. Single. Week. I understand from Lindsey that she too finds a kindred spirit in Fern!

Magical connections like theirs remind me that we are all, whether human or furry four-legged friends, so lucky when we find someone who makes us feel seen and content. It is what this crazy life experience is really all about afterall. And, my goodness, do I wish that for everyone!


Shabu Shabu


Fukushima Language Lessons