Happy International Women’s Day!

I have said it many many times before, but the power of strong female friendships that support and celebrate each other without ego or agenda but with love and respect is such a gift. When you live abroad, the connections you make with other women are a life line and joy source in moments that could otherwise be isolating and scary.

On International Women’s Day and every other day for that matter, I am eternally grateful for the incredible women who have come into my life, for the examples they provide, the inspiration they give and the joy they bring to me.

I would also like to shout out to all the men, especially my guy, who support, celebrate and vote for the rights, passions and purposes of all the incredible women in their lives. I see you and so appreciate you! We all do! It’s an all hands on deck moment in history, and your strong embrace of our significance is both necessary and valued.

So, ladies…if you haven’t heard it today, let me be the first to tell you:

You are strong. You are smart. You are creative.

You are important!

You are bold and brave. You are generous and kind. You are impactful and gracious.

You are my teachers.

Thank you for being YOU!

Happy International Women’s Day!


Otagi Nenbutsuji Temple: My Favorite Temple in Kyoto


Fire Walkers: Traversing the Embered Path with th Yamabushi Monks