Lift Every Voice

The Vocal Emsemble which will be travelling to New York City to perform this Spring!

I grew up listening to lots of choral music. More than most middle schoolers would consider cool. For nearly four decades, my mother sang in the choir at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, and between 11 o’clock mass on Sundays, weekly liturgical music concerts, and the seemingly omnipresent soundtrack of renowned groups such as the Westminster Cathedral Choir echoing from the cd player in the kitchen, much of my childhood was awash in choral music. At the time, I’ll admit, I was a reluctant fan. 

But this weekend, as I watched my daughter and her peers perform in harmony and grace such songs as Sarah Quartel’s “Here on These Branches, ”Marianna Martines’s “Dixit Dominus,” and “O Sapientia” by Tadeja Vule, I was so grateful that she has found her nana’s gift and passion in a rich alto voice. It gives me goosebumps to sees her perform, so poised and purposeful. 

On International Women’s Day, her choir along with the honor choirs of several international schools in Tokyo took to the stage to share their collective talents. It never ceases to amaze me: the voices of young people from all over the world--from booming baritones to the sparkling sopranos--each one different and beautiful in their own way, showcased in choral communion.

As the world seems as if it is in free fall at the moment, the rehearsed magic and healing harmony of these children’s voices brings me joy and hope. Lift every voice!  

The three song performed for the Vocal Ensemble from top are: “O Sapientia” by Tadeja Vule; “Here on These Branches” by Sarah Quartel and “Kishu No Tonosan” by Ko Matsushita. The KPASS Honor Choir (comprised of students from seven different schools perform “Dixit Dominus” by Marianna Martines.


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